To remove ugly dark patches on the neck, under arms and inner thighs try this natural remedies :
Lemon juice
- mix 2 tbsp of brown sugar, one egg white and 2 tbsp of lemon juice
- apply it on the skin
- rinse it in 15 minutes.
Aloe Vera
- take an aloe Vera leaf
- extract the gel from it
- apply it on your skin
- wash it after it becomes dry.
Lemon juice with turmeric
- mix 1 tbsp of turmeric and 2 tbsp of lemon juice
- apply and let it act for one hour
- wash it off.
Gram flour
- mix 2 tbsp of gram flour with one tbsp of curd and lemon juice
- make a paste
- apply it on the dark patches
- let it dry
- wash with warm water
- do this 2 times a week.
Honey, lemon and sugar scrub
- moisturizing scrub
- mix one tbsp of honey, 1 tbsp lemon juice and one tsp of sugar
- apply it on the dark patches
- gently scrub the region in circular motion
- let it act for 15 minutes
- wash it with lukewarm water
- do this 2 times a week .
Glycerin, lemon and rose water
- helps the skin from drying out
- contains anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties.
- excellent for cleansing, purifying and softening and toning
- mix one tbsp of lemon juice and glycerin
- add 4 drops of rose water
- apply the solution before going to bed
- massage the areas for ten minutes
- repeat it daily for one month.
Vitamin E
- contains anti oxidants
- helpful in repairing the damaged cells and producing the new ones
- mix aloe Vera gel and 10 drops of vitamin E oil
- apply it on the dark patches
- wash it after 15 minutes
- repeat 3 times a week .